Every Harvard student and everybody in any way connected with the University who believes in the ratification in some form of the Treaty of Peace is especially invited to attend a public meeting, which will be held in Sanders Theatre at 8 o'clock this evening, at which immediate acceptance will be urged.
President Charles W. Eliot will preside at the meeting, and the speakers will include Dean Charles H. Haskins, A. M., '08, of the Graduate School; Professor F. W. Taussig '79, John H. Corcoran, and Francis P. Magoun, Jr., '16.
Dean Haskins served as the American member of the Saar Valley Commission at the Peace Conference during the last year, while Professor Taussig was an economic adviser with the American Commission at Paris. He has also served recently as chairman of the United States Tariff Commission. Mr. Corcoran is a prominent Cambridge merchant.
Fighters' Point of View Presented
Mr. Magoun, who will speak on the Treaty from the point of view of the service man, was attached to the American Ambulance Field Service before the United States entered the war. In March, 1917, he joined the British Army, and was shortly afterwards commissioned a first lieutenant in the Royal Air Force. Last year he was wounded in action and was awarded the British Military Cross. He was honorably, discharged last June and is now an instructor in Comparative Literature at the University.
All those who believe that the opposing parties at Washington should compromise and agree upon some form of immediate action are asked by the Committee to come to the meeting, in order that Cambridge may speak to the Government with one voice.
A preventative body of Cambridge men of all political parties are acting as sponsored or the meeting. Among these men of the following: Dr. Samuel M. Crother, S. T. D., '99; Professor Albert B. Harrison '80, Richard H. Dana '01, Dean Chester N. Greenough '98, Professor Edward V. Huntington '95, Professor George G. Wilson, and Professor E. C. Moore '78
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