
Tentative Squash Schedule Arranged

Practice for the newly-formed squash club is being conducted regularly, and it is anticipated that a large number of men will report for the team. Manager P. E. Jackson '21 has arranged a tentatice schedule of matches to be played later in the term with the following Clubs: B. A. A., Harvard Club of Boston, Tennis and Racquet Club. Union Boat Club, and in addition it is planned to make a trip to New York during the Christmas recess for the purpose of playing the Harvard, Yale, and Princeton clubs of that city and the 7th Regiment Athletic Association.

Practice will be held in the Randolph Gymnasium, where courts will be reserved every day. The date of the College tournament which will decide the members of the team has been advanced, so that it will probably be played in about two weeks.

In the University there are now 18 squash courts available for use, of which 11 are new this fall. The University has expended $14,000 on building these courts and putting them in good condition. About 200 Freshmen are playing on them three times a week, and a large number of upperclassmen are also using them.
