The second performance of "Primerose" will be given by the Cercle Francais in the Copley Theatre at 2 o'clock this afternoon. Tickets for this performance are on sale at Herrick's and the Co-operative Branch Store at $2, $1.50, $1, and 75 cents. "Primerose," the 34th annual play of the Cercle Francais, is by Gaston de Caillavet and Robert de Flers, and it to be given for the benefit of the American Committee on Devastated France.
The first performance, which was given Wednesday, was a great success, being well received by an enthusiastic audience. Miss Helenka Adamowska, who plays the part of Primerose, depicts excellently the gay pretence of a serious-minded girl who realizes and hates the wicked and idle life of her father's castle. Her love with Pierre de Lancrey, her confession to her godmother and uncle, and a denoument of momentous pathos following the climax of her meeting with Pierre, are the themes around which the story is built.
The cast, which is the same in both productions, is as follows:
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