T. M. Legge, M. D., D. P. H., His Majesty's Inspector of Factories, and lecturer on factory hygiene at the University of Manchester, has been appointed to deliver the Cutter lectures on preventative medicine at the Harvard Medical School for this season. These lectures are given annually under the terms of a bequest from John Clarence Cutter, M. D., '77, whose will provided that the lectures be given in Boston and be free to the medical profession and the press. The dates and subjects of the lectures, which will be delivered in the Medical School Amphitheatre, Building E, from 5 to 6 o'clock, are as follows:
December 8, "Twenty Years" Experience of the Notification of Industrial Diseases Under the Workment's Compensation Act."
December 9, "Medical Supervision in Factories."
December 10, "Industrial Diseases Under the Workmen's Compensation Act."
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