An experiment that may have far reaching results in both industry and education is being attempted at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Its departments are to be opened for consultation to any manufacturing corporations desiring information on the same basis of rates as an engineering firm. The cry has always been raised to make education more practical; to make it more nearly conform to later requirements of the outside world. In no institution does this state of affairs come to pass more nearly than in a scientific professional school. The benefit of this consulting system to Technology will lie in bringing it still closer to the industrial world. The teaching staff, even more than heretofore, will know exactly what is required of newcomers in engineering branches, and can teach accordingly.
To industrial firms it will be invaluable as a source of quick information which may save them many months of arduous research by especially hired experts. With the aid of its well equipped laboratories, Technology will be able to furnish almost immediate information at a minimum cost. An analogy might be drawn between the consulting function of the Department of Agriculture and this new department. If brings the theoretical in close contract with the practical side of industry.
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