

Dr. Goodpasture for Medical School; Prof. Whittem to Head Summer School.

Dr. Ernest William Goodpasture has been appointed Assistant Professor of Pathology at the Harvard Medical School for five years. Dr. Goodpasture was graduated from Vanderbilt College in 1907, took his medical degree at Johns Hopkins in 1912, and served as pathologist and instructor in pathology at Johns Hopkins and its hospital from 1912 to 1915. In that year he came to the Peter Brent Brigham Hospital at Boston. In 1917 he was appointed Instructor in Pathology at the Harvard Medical School, and during the war acted as Assistant Surgeon in the United States Naval Reserve Force.

The following appointments for this year were also made at the meeting of the Board of Overseers:

To the Administration Board of the Harvard Medical School--President Lowell (ex-officio), David L. Esdall (ex-officio), chairman; Algernon Coolidge '81, Milton J. Rosneau, Reid Hunt, Otto K. O. Felin. John L. Bremer '96, David Cheever '96.

Professor Arthur F. Whittem '02, who served last year as the director of the Summer School, and who is now Chairman of the Committee on Admissions, will be again in charge of the Summer School during its 1920 session.
