Some time ago, before the Treaty had been done to death, a wise man said that the only place where it was safe to be a rabid pro-German in this country was in the United States Senate. Senator Borah, with his horrid fears that poor Germany was going to be crushed; Senator Reed, who was elected by the Germans of St. Louis; Senator Johnson, who apparently preferred, as long as the dear Germans could not keep Shantung, to do anything rather than let the "despicable Japanese" have what was promised them--all of them played into Germany's hands. If there be any doubt of this, one only need listen to the exultation from Berlin at the killing of the Treaty.
Herr Shuecking, German pacifist leader, characterizes the rejection of the Treaty of Versailles as a "tremendous moral victory for the cause of universal peace." Of course what the Herr Professor means is that it is a tremendous moral victory for Germany, in which he is entirely correct. He then goes on to point out that in the League America has only one vote to England's six, and deplores such a terrible state of affairs, where darling America, whom Germany loves so much, would be England's "hand-maiden." With a little dig at the wickedness of "imperialistic Japan's hold on Shantung," Herr Shuecking ends his peroration in a manner that should land him a seat in the United States Senate without an effort.
The striking similarity between the arguments of the Germans and those of the Johnson-Borah-Reed group does not need to be pointed out. Those of the first are frankly German; those of the worthy Senators, according to their own valuation, are "one hundred per cent. American." But it only takes two per cent, perspicacity to see that the latter are just as German as the former--whether through ignorance or malice, it is hard to tell.
The Senators can wave the American flag and shout their Fourth of July oratory till they are black in the face; actions speak louder than words. Over all the turmoil there is still audible the faint flapping noise of the Prussian eagle's wings. The German's can be excused. They are Germans. The Senators, however, will find that they will have some quick explaining to do at the next elections before the American people will excuse them.
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