

Crimson Cross-Country Team to Take Part in Intercollegiates Tomorrow.

At 9 o'clock this morning the University contingent to the Intercollegiate cross-country race at Van Cortlandt Park, New York City, will leave for the metropolis. Captain B. Lewis '20, G. F. Wason '20, F. G. Bemis '22, S. Harris '20, W. H. Goodwin '20, A. W. Douglas '21, P. Hapgood '21, and Manager J. F. Keane '21 will make the trip.

As a result of the time trials held at Belmont this week, and the injuries suffered by members of the team, a considerable shake-up has occurred in the make-up of the team. T. G. Ames '20 has been kept out of the running with bad arches, and J. E. Nally '21 is suffering from an injured knee. Hapgood, on the other hand, is a new member of the team; he has not run in any of the previous races. Starting the season as a practically green man, he has developed in the last few weeks into first-team material.

This afternoon the team will walk over the course. The race will be called at 3.20 tomorrow afternoon.
