
Concert at Brooks House Monday

Special exercises will be held in Phillips Brooks House Parlor on Monday to dedicate the new pianoforte recently installed there, a gift of a member of the class of 1918 Mr. Heinrich Gebhard, a well-known pianist, will render several piano solos, and the University Glee Club, conducted by Professor A. T. Davison '06, will give appropriate selections. The concert will be open to members of the University only and will begin at 8.15 o'clock.

The program follows:

Mr. Gebhard.

Group 1:

Chopin--Ballade No. 1 Minor; Nocturne F Sharp Major; Waltz Op. 42; Mazurka, B Minor Fantaisie.


Group 2:

Debussy, Cloches a travers les feuilles General Lavine (eccentric). I'Isle Joyeuse. Faure,  Impromptu Fiminor Gebhard,  Romance elegiaque Lizst,  Rhapsodie No. 12 Glee Club Bantoch,  Give a Rouse Brahms,  Suabian Folk Song Morley,  My Bonnie Lass Borodin,  Serenade Foote,  Bedouin Love Song
