
Symphony Honors its Founder

A special program has been arranged for the Friday and Saturday concerts of the Symphony Orchestra at Symphony Hall in memory of Major Higginson, to whom the orchestra owes its existence and its eminence.

Judge Frederick P. Cabot '90, president of the board of trustees of the orchestra, wishing that the two concerts may bring to patrons and to friends and relatives of Major Higginson the closest associations of his part in the creation of the orchestra, consulted Mrs. Higginson as to her husband's favorite selections. As a result the following program has been compiled: Unfinished Symphony in B Minor,  Schubert Pianoforte Concerto,  Brahms Fifth Symphony in C Minor,  Beethoven

At 2.30 Friday afternoon and at 8 Saturday night the doors will be closed until the end of Schubert's Symphony.
