The first of a series of three concerts which will be given in Sanders Theatre on December 4 by the University Glee Club will have as its soloist Hazel L'Africain, solo 'cellist of the American String Quartet. Her accompanist will be Miss Marion Hyde.
A chorus of 75 voices selected from the Glee Club will be under the personal direction of Dr. Archibald T. Davison '06, whose ability as a director of large choruses is widely recognized. The second of the series of concerts on February 19 will have a violinist as soloist, while the third, taking place on May 27, will be a Bach Festival; a joint production by the Radcliffe Choral Society and the Harvard Glee Club.
On December 4 the program will be as follows: Single tickets for this concert are $1.50, $1 and 75 cents. Season tickets for the entire series may be obtained at $3.50, $2.50 and $1.75. Tickets may be purchased at Herrick's, the Copley Plaza, the Touraine, the Harvard Club of Boston, and Kent's University Bookstore.
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