

For many decades the University has benefited from the unfailing and stimulating interest of Major Higginson. His gifts have been incessant, without price--all of them unassuming. The two of which undergraduates are most conscious are monumental: Soldiers Field and the Union. Both of these were given in memory of friends and comrades who gave their lives for our country, and endowed for the purpose of moulding young men in the frame of these same worthy heroes.

Underlying this activity for Harvard there was a motive, so strong that, in spite of doctors' orders, he made trips to Cambridge to speak before Memorial Day gatherings and each new Freshman class. The triumph of this motive made him a master financier and the foremost private citizen of the Commonwealth. He desired "men who could be trusted." What could not be done if we worked entirely with trustworthy men? Only with such did he deal; and in so far as he could, he labored that all Harvard men should "remain within the truth." In his address to the Class of 1923, scarcely a month ago, he voiced this desire:

"Use what time you have and use it well. Learn your business; tell all you know about it; and be informed on your subject so that you will never tell an untruth unconsciously. Although making a mistake is not the same thing as deceiving; still you are responsible for the facts and, therefore, for the truth."

Such ideals, lived as well as spoken, caused graduates to consider Henry Lee Higginson the living embodiment of the ideal Harvard man. The undergraduates, no less, were inspired by his fellowship. They welcome their opportunities of joining in tribute with the circle of his deepest mourners.
