

Dr. Henry K. Oliver Provided for Care of Health of Students in His Will.

By the will of Dr. Henry K. Oliver '52, who died recently, the residue of his estate is left to the President and Fellows of the University for the establishment of a department of hygiene. The amount available for this purpose cannot be determined until an inventory of the estate is filed.

Dr. Oliver has in years past given generously to the University, and it is largely through his gifts that the present department of hygiene has been maintained. In fact, the work that Professor R. I. Lee '02 has been carrying on corresponds very closely to that contemplated by Dr. Oliver in his will.


"The professor shall," says Dr. Oliver, "be a regularly educated physician of marked ability and industry and of a temperament likely to enable him to enlist readily the confidence of young men. I desire that the professor shall, by advice and by personal interest, encourage especially physical exercises and sports, and that he take particular care that undergraduates of sedentary and over-studious habits be made acquainted with the importance of physical recreation."

The doctor further states that in his college days he became convinced that it would be an excellent plan to have a medical man connected with the university, between whom and the student there should be friendly relations, so that the physician could be consulted by the students upon any subject connected with their health and physical well-being.
