

Yale Cubs Have Won Nine Times During the Twenty Years and Are Also Behind in Number of Points.

Since the Harvard-Yale Freshman game became an annual institution, in 1891, 25 games have been played, one every year, with the exception of 1895, 1896, and 1918. Last year no Freshman team was formed because of the war. During these 28 years the University has won 14 games, Yale has topped nine, and two were tied. In points, the Crimson yearlings have amassed the greater number, with 307 to their credit, as compared with 236 for Yale.

The tabulation of the results from 1891 to the present year is as follows:

1891.--Harvard Freshmen, 0; Yale Freshmen, 24.

1892.--Harvard Freshmen, 6; Yale Freshmen, 6.

1893.--Harvard Freshmen, 4; Yale Freshmen, 30.


1894.--Harvard Freshmen, 12; Yale Freshmen, 0.

1895.--No game.

1896.--No game.

1897.--Harvard Freshmen, 34; Yale Freshmen, 0.

1898.--Harvard Freshmen, 6; Yale Freshmen, 0.

1899.--Harvard Freshmen, 54; Yale Freshmen, 0.

1900.--Harvard Freshmen, 18; Yale Freshmen, 0.

1901.--Harvard Freshmen, 35; Yale Freshmen, 6.

1902.--Harvard Freshmen, 22; Yale Freshmen, 10.

1903.--Harvard Freshmen, 17; Yale Freshmen, 6.
