
Prof. Merriman Recovering After Duck Shooting Accident in N. H.

Encouraging reports were received last night in regard to the considerable improvement in the condition of Professor R. B. Merriman '96, who was painfully injured while on a duck shooting trip 'n New Hampshire last Sunday. He was reported as resting much more comfortably and showing steady improvement.

The unfortunate accident took place at a moment when Professor Merriman was moving through a slight depression which concealed him from the View of his hunting companion. It was then that the latter suddenly fired at a bird which had taken wing directly in line with Mr. Merriman. Much of the charge of duck shot entered his head, neck and chest, wounding him severely, particularly in the right eye. In spite of his wounds however, he was able to get himself to the railroad station, and from there to Boston. Since then he has been improving under the care of Dr. David Cheever '97, and if his condition permits by the end of the week he will be removed to a hospital, where an X-ray will be taken of his eye.
