One of the best things about Harvard College is that the strange youth, the non-conforming to all the passing college fashions of the day, has always had a place there. All the non-conformists do not grow into Theodore Roosevelts--far from it. But the steam-roller of undergraduate sentiment has never been able to make them all alike, and it is much to be hoped that it never will. No college has all the making of its sons. We hold it to be a special distinction of Harvard, however, that it gives the fullest possible scope to the development of their individualities. That is certainly what it did to Theodore Roosevelt; and if the undergraduates of this day need any special stimulus towards taking part in perpetuating the memory of this older Harvard brother of theirs, they may well find it in the reflection that the spirit of the place is an enduring thing, and that on them some responsibility for transmitting it to the future must rest. -HARVARD ALUMNI BULLETIN.
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