

Records of Research Work Done Abroad Given by Medical School.

Base Hospital No. 5, Which was made up largely of Harvard Medial School students, has presented to the University the colors carried by the Unit in France, claimed to be the first American flag to reach the other side. Major Henry Lyman '01, the last commander of the Unit, presented the flag to Professor David L. Edsall, Dean of the Medical School, who in turn presented it to President Lowell for the University.

The colors are for the present to be kept in the Medical School and probably will remain there permanently. The presentation of the flag was made at an afternoon gathering of the Unit, and their guests at the Medical School last Saturday.

The presentation through the Medical School to the University of bound copies of a reprint of the research work done by the hospital while abroad also took place. These constitute a single large volume which is a striking testimonial to the brilliance of the experiments carried on and completed under the trying conditions of the modern battlefield.

At this reunion, which was the first since the war there were about 200 of the original members present, most of whom were Medical School students, and a number of guests from the Faculty of the University. After the afternoon presentation, the members and their guests were shown lantern slides of the Unit's movements in France. Dr. Gilbert Horrax of the Peter Brent Brigham Hospital was elected permanent chairman of the Unit to arrange for future meetings.
