

Leave State Street to Establish More Intimate Relations With University.

The Harvard Alumni Association, formerly located at 50 State street, Boston, had moved its office to Cambridge, and established itself in one of the office suites in the Union. The reason for this change, according to Charles Jackson 98, general secretary of the Association, is in order that a closer touch with the University may be maintained by the alumni. At the same time it will give to the graduates who are visiting Cambridge a definite place-where they may go to meet one another as well as to learn of University affairs.

Union Has Many Activities

This step is in line with the general policy embarked upon this year by the governing board of the Union, which has already broadened its activities in many ways. Notable among the latter are the frequent addresses held by the management in the Living Room. These have given the student body an opportunity to hear such men as Commander Read, and Walter Hampden ' 00. Hugh Walpoie, the British novelist, comes tonight, and Professor Stephen Leacock, the humorist and economist, Viscount Grey, the new British Ambassador, and Donald MacMillan, the Arctic explorer, have all promised to address the club some time in the near future.

Over 250 men are now eating regularly at the Union restaurant. This is three times as many as ever before. In addition the Law School Club, Business School gatherings, Graduate Schools Societies, and other organizations which do not possess quarters of their own, have this year been repeatedly availing themselves of the facilities of the building for their meeting and banquets.
