

Opponents, by Rushing University in First Half, Score Five Points.

A 5-0 defeat at the hands of the Nassau boosters was the fate of the University soccer team Saturday. The strong Princeton aggregation overwhelmed the University with an opening attack in the first half which need them their five points before Harvard could stiffen its defense. During the second half the Orange eleven was almost entirely on the defensive and, despite the fact that the University outplayed them, was able to maintain their lead.

For the Tigers, Hamilton, the centre, won the individual honors, scoring three of the five goals. Hamilton and the inside right and outside left forwards, Green and West, developed a pretty attack, which was used in each score.

The line-up: g., Cummings; l.f., Glaser; r.f., Carpenter; c.h.b., Tilton; r.h.b., Masters; l.h.b., Heard; c., Fisher; l.i.f., Henderson; r.i.f., Darling (Smith); r.o.f., Kellett; l.o.f., Phillips.
