


Fifteen candidates from the College have been entered and recommended for the Rhodes Scholarship competition which is to be held about Nov. 1. The entrants are: E. B. Brady '21, C. Brinton '19, C. W. Carter, Jr., '20, C. B. Fuller '19, E. Griffin '16, R. L. Humber 2G., J. R. Laver '20, a. S. Potter '17, F. V. Scholes '19, W. A. Shiner '18, A. N. Small '16, N. C. Starr '17, H. B. Van Fleet '20, D. V. Widder '20, C. G. Youngblatt '20.

The Rhodes scholarships which were postponed for the duration of the war, have been resumed this fall. The Rhodes will provides that two scholars shall be studying constantly at Oxford from each state in the Union. Each scholar stays three years and receives a stipend of $1500 a year, out of which he pays his tuition, fees and other expenses like any other student. Tow scholarships being assigned to a state, and each scholarship being tenable for three years, there is one year out of every three in which no election takes place.

General Regulations.

To be eligible, a candidate must:

(a) Be a citizen of the United States, with at least five years' residence, and unmarried.


(b)By the first of October of the year for which he is elected have passed his 19th and not have passed his 25th birthday.

(c)By the first of October of the year for which he is elected have completed at least his Sophomore year at some recognized degree granting university or college of the United States in which they are now studying or from that in which they have received the major part of their education.

The selection of the successful candidates from each state will be made by a committee constituted for that purpose. The choice is made on the basis of a man's record in college according to the four points outlined in the Rhodes will: (1) scholarship, (2) character, (3) interest in outdoor sports, (4) interest in one's fellow, and instincts for leadership. Of these qualifications the greatest emphasis is laid upon the first two.
