Burnham Lewis '20, of Philadelphia, Pa., was chosen captain of the University cross-country team at a meeting of the first squad in the Locker Building yesterday afternoon. Owing to the disorganized condition of University athletics in the past two years and the consequent lack of "H" men, all members of the firs squad, whether "H" men or not, were allowed to vote.
Lewis prepared for college at the Harverford School, where he won his letter on the cinder path in the mile and the half-mile. In the fall of his Freshman team through a successful season. The next fall he was elected captain of the informal team, but left for an army training camp before the season was completed. H. D. Costigan '20 filling his place.
He attended the Fourth Officers' School at Camp Devens during the summer and fall of 1918, and graduated with a commission of second lieutenant. He returned to College in the early part of May, 1919, and won his "H" in the Yale track meet in the two-mile event the same season.
Announce Schedule of Meets.
The cross-country schedule for the coming season, as fas as it has been definitely arranged for, it as follows:
October 25, Intercollegiate Meet against Princeton, Dartmouth, Cornell, Colgate, Syracuse, Columbia and Penn sylvania at Syracuse.
November 1, Dual Meet with Cornell on Belmont course.
November 8, Dual Meet with Yale at New Haven.
November, 22, Intercollegiate Meet at New York.
Freshman Dormitory Captains.
At a meeting on Tuesday afternoon the Freshman cross-country squads from the individual dormitories elected their captains. The harriers from Smith selected J. G. Winchester, an Andover man, who won his letter in track at school last year. The Standish squad chose W. C. Bennett from Exeter. Benett won his "E" at school in the hurdles. From Gore Hall, M. A. Hay, also of exeter, was elected.
The 1923 team will be selected next week after the inter-dormitory meet on Tuesday. On October 18 they will run their first meet on the Belmonr course against Worcester Academy and Providence Toech. Negotiations are also under consideration for a triangular meet on October 25 against St. Benedict and Wakefield High.
Freshman runners are having daily workouts on the Cemetery Course under Coach "Eddie" Farrell in preparation for the Worcester Academy Meet.
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Doubles Finals This Afternoon