

The Education of Americans.

Charles Spurgeon once said:--"Educate a man's head and you make him an infidel, educate his heart and you make him a fanatic, educate both together and you get the perfect man." Perhaps it is too much to say that this process will "get the perfect man," but it will get a better average man than now exists. Especially is this true in the problem of Americanization now before the country. There are infidels and fanatics in the land, and one is as undesirable and dangerous as the other. What is called Bolshevism is the product of too much brain education at the expense of the heart. Bolshevists imagine they are promoting a doctrine whose source is the heart and the conscience, whereas it is created out of a false kind of education--an education of the head "beyond its capacity."

Fanatics are persons educated in the heart alone at the expense of the head and common sense. Fanatics are obsessed with emotions and visions. They do not think straight--often they do not think honestly. Radical reformers are too often filled with so many emotions as altogether to lose sight of the safe and sane. The difference between a genius and a fanatic is the difference between emotion tempered with reason and emotion without the calm which comes from a true education and the proper use of the brain. The world is troubled with an abnormal education of the heart and too little education of the head. A balance should be struck.

In the problem of Americanization attention should be paid to a happy combination of education both of the head and the heart. While it is necessary to read the constitution it is equally necessary to understand it and absorb its spirit. Among all the peoples true Americans are conspicuous because of their intelligent view of government as well as their love for their institutions. NEW YORK HERALD
