Three hundred men at the mass meeting; twenty-four hundred in College. One man in eight was there; where were the other seven? Sipping tea, perhaps, or discussing art, or practicing the latest fox-trot. But every single one of these aesthetic souls missed the biggest thrill in a lifetime when they failed to appear at the Union last night.
Coach Trumbull said that in the old days when a mass meeting was announced a line formed outside the door fighting to get in. Last night there were empty seats. He said: "There are three elements of which a winning team is composed--technique of the game, fight, and spirit." We have nothing to do with the first, but we can inspire the fight and make the spirit.
The meeting, what there was of it, could not have been better. The cheer and song leaders lifted those present off their feet in their enthusiasm. But the presence of those men who are so busy with their own affairs is sorely needed. Next Thursday every man in Harvard College must, if necessary, be forced to go to the Union.
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