


The end of the regatta comes today with the races between the three University crews and between the Freshman dormitory crews one and two. The club eights, the lower 1923 crews, and the singles have all completed their races, and only the best of the contests are left for this afternoon.

A close race developed yesterday in the novice singles which proved the most interesting of the four events. J. A. Westengard '23 won by a yard from G. S. Spiegelberg 1 G. B., leaving the rest of his opponents several lengths behind. In the Senior singles, after three false starts, W. C. Chanler 1L, easily defeated C. F. Batchelder '20. Chanler has been coaching the lower club crews during the fall season, while Batchelder is rowing four on University C.

The Freshmen triumphed in both the comp and the wherry races, E. S. Matthews '23 winning the former and T. Morrison '23 the latter. Westengard, who won the novice singles, will be in at seven on the Gore Hall crew today.

This afternoon at 3.30 the first Freshman dormitory eights meet in a triangular race over the mile course from Cottage Farm Bridge to Harvard Bridge. Over the same course at 4.30 will come the second Freshmen. It is from these crews that the coaches expect to pick the men that will continue rowing on the 1923 shells after the end of the regular season.

At 4 o'clock, however, the triangular race of the University eights, A, B and C, which is the big event of the day, will be held. These crews will row over the mile and seven-eights course from Cottage Farm Bridge to the Union Boat Club. The order of the crews will be as follows:


A--Stroke, Jenney; 7, Damon; 6, Morris; 5, Sears; 4, Brown, H.; 3, De Ford; 2, Sise; bow, Hull; cox, Williams.

B--Stroke, Bradlee; 7, Pond; 6, Terry; 5, Withington; 4, Olmstead; 3, Cabot; 2, Wheeler; bow, Gratwick; cox, Peirson.

C--Stroke, Codman; 7, Keays; 6, Borland; 5, Atkinson; 4, Batchelder; 3, Denton; 2, La Farge; bow, Davis; cox, Steedman.
