As a result of the combined efforts of the Boston and New York canvassers yesterday, a total report of nearly $200,000 was turned in for the day, Boston still maintaining her lead over New York by a wide margin. This brings the complete total up to more than eight and a half millions to date, which means that 56 per cent, of the desired amount has now been obtained.
At the recent meeting of the local committee special attention was called to the commendable work done by the educational group, composed mostly of schoolmasters and college professors. It was reported that in spite of confining duties this group had rounded up nearly half of their assignments and had succeeded in obtaining approximately $25,000 up to last night, form what is agreed to be the poorest paid department in professional life.
The separate totals last night stood: Boston, $3,466,641, and New York, $3,178,512. In addition a considerable list of large individual subscriptions was announced. This was led by one for $10,000 by Robert T. Paine, 2nd, '82, and followed by three for $5,000 apiece by C. F. Adams '88, Edgar Crocker '97, and Howard Coonley '99, respectively. Next came one $4,000 gift from F. R. Bangs '91, and three for $2,500 each from H. G. Vaughan '90, Roger Wolcott '99, and Henry C. Hopewell '07. In addition there were two subscriptions of $1,500 each and eight for an even thousand each.
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