President Lowell will make an address of welcome on behalf of the University to the Taylor Society at its first meeting in the Union this evening at 7.30 o'clock. Other speakers will be G. D. Babcock of the Holt Manufacturing Company and J. G. Heekman of the Larkin Company, both of whom will discuss the Organization Lessons of the War. T. F. Otterson, President of the Taylor Society, will preside. After the meeting the society will adjourn to the Trophy Room for an informal reception of guests by the members.
Saturday morning there will be round table conferences on different phases of management to enable members to compare methods and exchange experiences, In the afternoon and evening industrial relations will be discussed and cases presented.
Promote Business Management.
The Taylor Society is a national organization to promote the science of business management, and the meetings will all be held under the auspices of the Graduate School of Business Administration in University Buildings. The public will be admitted to the meetings, and all persons desiring to be present are requested to notify Mr. H. H. Farquar, 15 Lawrence Hall.
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