
P. B. H. Holds Reception for Foreign Students Tonight

All foreign students will be welcome at the annual reception for their benefit, which will be held in the parlor of Phillips Brooks House this evening at 7.30. Professor Norton A. Kent of the Boston Committee on Friendly Relations with Foreign Students will outline the work of his committee, and there will be short addresses by Pedro Campos 3L, and H. D. White '21. These will be followed by an informal gathering, with refreshments and music.

This reception is given jointly by the Phillips Brooks House Association and the Cosmopolitan Club. All members of the University are invited, but especially foreign students.

In the future the 175 foreign students in the University will have the assistance of a board of eleven advisers, most of whom will be Faculty members. Each Faculty adviser will take charge of a national group, such as Chinese, Japanese or Latin Americans. The board is headed by Matthew Luee '91, Regent.
