

Two Sections at 4 and 5 o'clock to be Formed Under Instructor Schrader.

Beginning Monday physical training classes will be held in the Hemenway Gymnasium at 4 and 5 o'clock. For many years these classes have been held at 5 o'clock only and have come to be popularly known as five o'clock classes. This year however, the demand for exercising facilities on the part of upperclassmen and graduates is so great as to warrant holding two classes. Mr. Schrader will continue to act as instructor. No formalities are required of members of the class and the only restriction as to costume is that they shall wear shoes without hard heals.

Men who have signed up for voluntary physical training classes will be sent notices before Monday regarding the 4 and 5 o'clock classes.

The hand ball lines in the rear of the Hemenway Gymnasium have been repainted and will be ready for use Monday. A set of standard hand ball rules has been compiled and copies will be distributed in a few days.

How to Gain Weight.

Yesterday Mr. Geer said that many men had asked him how to put on weight. His advice on this question is as follows:


"The participation in some form of wholesome exercise, indulged in daily if possible, eating of wholesome food at regular hours, with emphasis on eating slowly, and regular sleep will result in keeping most persons fit. A fault common among students is to be irregular in meals, to spend too little time in eating them, and to be careless in the matter of sleep. Most men who are under weight should have at least eight hours sleep; in some cases nine or ten hours is necessary."
