With but one day remaining in which to canvass, subscriptions to Phillips Brooks House Association last evening at 6 o'clock totaled $1841.90. Team 3 leads with a total sum of $709.50. The other two teams are slightly behind, Team 2 leading Team 1. As the drive ends tomorrow morning, the present subscription must be more than doubled. To this end there will be a meeting of canvassers at the Crimson Building at 6.10 sharp. It is imperative that every canvasser attend. Subscriptions will be received at the CRIMSON Building all day. Any canvassers who have covered their assignments are asked to solicit subscriptions from any men they can find who have not yet been approached. Redoubled efforts on the part of the canvassers with the co-operation of the undergraduates, wil make the drive a success.
Discuss Americanization Monday.
Americanization is the subject to be discussed at the Phillips Brooks House meeting next Monday evening. The speakers will be Dr. G. W. Tupper, State Immigration Secretary of the Y. M. C. A.; G. C. Barclay '19, J. A. Sessions '21, and F. K. Bullard '20. Dr. Tupper is an expert of repute on the problems which confront the state in its effort to assimilate the alien element. J. N. Borland '21, Chairman of the Social Service Committee, will preside at the meeting.
There is a great need for at least 400 men to work in conjunction with the State Committee on Americanization which has recently been formed. Monday's meeting will be concerned with the question as to how college men can best aid in this work. The meeting, which is open to all members of the University, will be called at 8 o'clock.
A Lawrence 11 has resigned from the Graduate Advisory Committee of the Association on account of the press of other work, and A. Beane '11, former Graduate Secretary, was elected to serve out his term, which expires in 1923.
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