In a report given out last night by the Greater Boston Committee of the Harvard Endowment Fund Campaign, it was indicated that in this district the most effective work during the last week has been done by the manufacturing, financial, medical, architectural, trustee and insurance groups of the campaigners. The above groups have so far obtained more than half of their allotment, as in comparison with the 40 per cent, covered by the three next highest groups. The remaining 11 groups are somewhat lower than this, while the general average for the whole city stands at 41 per cent.
This means that there are still 6.372 alumni to be recorded financially, and as a result the local committee feels confident that it will get the quota.
Up to last night a grand total of $8,182,114 for the entire country had been recorded, which means that 54 per cent of the whole amount has been obtained. The individual totals stood as follows: Boston, $3,326,275: New York, $3,050,186: outside, $1,805,653: total, $8,182,114.
A wager of several hundred thousand dollars was recently made in New York that that city would lead Boston at the finish of the drive by a million dollars, the loser paying the money to the fund.
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