

Last Diamond Contest of Autumn Season to Take Place on Soldiers Field Today.

Today the University nine opposes on Soldiers Field the Scituate All-Stars in what is probably the last game of the season. This will be the second game under the guidance of Coach Slattery, the team having defeated the South Boston Collegians on Wednesday.

The fall season has been markedly successful. The team has played with an exhibition of team work which more than equals the performance of the team last spring. Five games have been won and one tied in a series of contests with semi-professional teams. Although in a few cases the visitors were weak, on the whole they averaged up to the strength of the other College teams this fall.

The University line-up today will probably be: Hallowell, r.f.; Emmons, 2b; Perkins, c.f.; Meehan, 3b; Bigelow, 1b; Lincoln, ss.; Crocker, l.f.; Gammack, c.; Hardell and Bullard, p.
