The election of a University track captain to take the place of William Moore Occ, has been postponed. The management feared that, on account of the few "H" men in the University at present, a representative meeting could not be called, and consequently decided to elect the captain by mail. All "H" men who were in the University at the close of last year will vote by mail for one of the Senior letter men in College this year. In case the leading man does not receive a majority vote, a second ballot will be taken on the two leading men. It will be impossible to include "H. A. A." men on the voting list.
The following men who have won "H's" in track, and who were in the University at the close of last year, will cast ballots: H. D. Costigan '20, D. J. Duggan '20, P. E. Stevenson '20, A. Stevens '19, E. E. Lucas '19, C. A. Clark, Jr., '19, H. C. Flower '19, E. O. Jourdin '21, C. G. Krogness, Jr., '21, R. W. Harwood '20, J. D. Hutchinson '20, L. B. Leonard '18, last year's track manager; B. Lewis '20, W. Moore Occ., D. F. O'Connell '21, and A. Perkins '20. Only those of the above list who are members of the class of 1920 are eligible for election.
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