One of the stiffest games of the year is scheduled this afternoon for the Second University eleven when it meets a service team from the U. S. Submarine School of New London on Soldiers Field at 4 o'clock. Although the visitors class themselves as "a light college outfit," there are a considerable number of stars on the team.
"Babe" Brown of Annapolis fame, who in 1908 cost the Army team a defeat by his kick from the 45-yard line, heads the list. Others are Archie Craig, also of Annapolis, and Arnold of Worcester Polytechnic Institute.
Since the last game the University scrubs have suffered a number of injuries, resulting in a considerably changed line-up for today. T. C. Wales '21, the captain, is out of the game for several days; his place will be taken by A. J. Conlon '22.
The line-up follows: Whitman, l.e.; Lane, l.t.; Stubbs, l.g.; Currier, c.; Morrison r.g.; Richards, r.t.; Higgins, r.e.; Conlon, q.b.; Hunneman, r.h.b.; Duncan, l.h.b.; Parker, f.b.
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