
What is Going on Today

8.45-Morning prayers in Appleton Chapel, conducted by the Reverend P. R. Frothingham.

4.30-Professor Levy-Bruhl lectures in Emerson J; subject, "French Philosophy in the Nineteenth Century." IV., "St. Simon's and Fourier's Social Theories."

5.00 P. M.-Physical Colloquium in Jefferson Physical Laboratory, Room 3, Professor Saunders speaks on "Recent Progress in the Study of the Stark Effect."

7.00 P. M.-Dr. Forthingham addresses Freshmen in Smith Halls Common Room.

7.00 P. M.-Register candidates report at Register office office in basement of Union.


7.30 P. M.-Seminary of Economics in Widener 5. Professor Taussig speaks on "Customs Tariffs in Europe as Affected by the Treaty of Peace."

8.00 Modern Language Conference in Common Room, Conant Hall. "The Dog's Letter," Professor Grandgent.
