Albert, King of the Belgians, with Queen Elizabeth, will visit Harvard this coming Sunday. They are to be guests of the University at a reception to be held in the Faculty Room of University Hall at 4 o'clock. The King is scheduled to arrive in Boston at 7.30 Sunday morning, and to leave the city the same night. It is expected that the royal party, which also includes the immediate family and advisors of the King and Queen, will drive direct from Boston to University Hall, to remain there for an hour or so at the reception arranged in their honor.
The announcement was made last night that, owing to the limited space in the Faculty Room, only professors and assistant professors, accompanied by their wives, will be admitted to the reception.
Mercier Arrives Day Later.
It is a striking coincidence that the visit to Harvard of the two distinguished Belgians, King Albert and Cardinal Mercier, will occur within 24 hours of each other. Plans for the reception of the Cardinal, which will be held on Monday afternoon, are now being completed. The distinguished Belgian prelate will be welcomed in Sanders Theatre, and as is the custom on Commencement Day, the President, the Corporation and Overseers of the University, and members of Harvard Faculties will march in academic procession with their guests from the College Yard to Sanders Theatre.
Limited Number of Seats.
Members of the Faculties of the University of the rank of Assistant Professor, Associate Professor and Professor may obtain one seat at the Sanders Theatre reception for a member of their family on application to the University Marshal, 5 University Hall.
Close Yard to Public.
Academic costume will be worn in the procession, which will form in front of Harvard Hall at 3.30. The Yard will be closed to the general public both Sunday and Monday afternoons, only members of the University being admitted.
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