
Nominations for Councillors of Dining Halls Due on Monday

Nominations for members of the Dining Hall Council for 1919-20 must be filed at the main desk of either of the two University dining halls before 7 o'clock next Monday evening. Each nomination blank must be signed by at least 20 regular members of the dining hall from which the candidate is running.

The election of councillors will take place during Thursday, October 23. Only men signed up for regular board at one of the halls may vote. The council will consist of three men from Memorial Hall, three from Foxcroft Hall, all of whom will be elected, and the following three men appointed by the Corporation: F. W. Hunnewell '02, Dr. R. I. Lee '02, and Morris Gray '06. The Freshman halls are not represented.

The duties of the council consist in adjusting all complaints that may be entered, helping to control the halls, and dealing with any of the members of the halls who make themselves objectionable.
