Mr. G. E. Plumb, lawyer for the Railroad Brotherhoods and originator of the Plumb plan for the administration of the national railroad systems, will speak on the working of his plan before a meeting in Peabody Hall, Phillips Brooks House, this afternoon at 3.30 o'clock. The meeting will be given under the auspices of the Graduates Schools Society of Phillips Brooks House, and is primarily intended for graduate students, but all members of the University are welcome.
As a lawyer for Brotherhoods, and as shown by past performances, Mr. Plumb is deeply interested in the economic situation from the workingman's point of view.
He gives the laborer a voice in the control of his means of livlihood, and also claims he has in other ways satisfactorily solved many of the present-day labor difficulties. At the meeting today Mr. Plumb will try to answer the many objections that have been raised to his proposition and will emphasize its good points.
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