This evening at 8 o'clock the Boston Symphony Orchestra will give the first of its Thursday evening concerts in Sanders Theater. Mr. Albert Spalding, prominent violinist, will be the soloist, and the orchestra will be under the leadership of Pierre Monteaux.
This concert will be the first performance of Mr. Spalding in America since his return from Italy, where he has been serving in the A.E.F. In 1916 he volunteered, earned his commission as lieutenant in aviation, a and was sent to Italy. He was decorated for meritorious service by the Italian government. After receiving his discharge last summer Mr. Spalding gave three concerts in Rome, Paris and London.
The following program has been arranged for this evening:
1. Schuman's First Symphony in B flat major.
2. Dvorak's Concerto in A minor for violin. (Mr. Spalding.)
3. Emesco's Suite for Orchestra.
Tickets for separate concerts or for the entire series may be bought at George H. Kent's University Bookstore, Harvard Square. The price for the series is $7; for the single concert, $1.
The dates of the other concerts are: Nov. 13, Dec. 18, Jan. 15, Feb. 12, March 4, April 1, and April 22.
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