


As both the singles and the doubles tennis tournaments narrow down toward the final round, the matches become faster annd more closely contested. J. Kleberg '22, R. L. Lipman 3L, C. P. Holmes '22, J. B. Fenno '21, D. P. Robinson '20, annd L. A. de Turenne '21, have all been playing such excellent tennis that there is considerable doubt as to who will be the semi-finalists.

In the doubles it looks as if the championship lay between R. L. Lipman 3L and L. A. de Turenne '21 against F. T. Pratt '22 and J. Kleberg '22.

An effort will be made today to reach the finals in the singles and the semi-finals in the doubles. To do this two or more matches apiece have been scheduled in some instances, so that contestants must take care they keep all their engagements.

Schedule of Today's Matches.

Following are the matches scheduled for today: Singles at Jarvis Field: At 2 o'clock, J. Kleberg vs. D. Davis, Tsao vs. A. K. Marsh.


At 3.30 o'clock, L. D. Egbert vs. winner Tsao-Marsh; J. B. Fenno vs. T. B. Buffum, R. L. Lipman vs. winner Kleberg-Davis, D. P. Robinson vs. winner Fenno-Buffum.

At 4 o'clock, E. K. Carver vs. R. Shaw.

At 5 o'clock, C. P. Holmes vs. winner Egbert-Tsao Marsh, L. A. de Turenne vs. winner Shaw-Carver.

Doubles at Divinity Field: At 2 o'clock, Lipman and Turenne vs. Harrison and Swift, Rand and Rand vs. Weeks and Weld, Clark and Curtis vs. Carver and Smyth.

At 3.30 o'clock, Bradley and Campbell vs. Robinson and Robinson.

At 4.30 o'clock, King and Johnson vs. Tsao and Chen.

AT 5 o'clock, Newman and Rittenberg vs, Guild and Hoskins, Erb and Brown vs. Houghton and Hofer, Fogg and Suttrop vs. winner Clark-Curtis and Carver-Smyth, Childe and Blow vs. Jackson and Morss, Weaver and Dickerson vs. Jacobson and Frowenfeld.
