


C. G. Krogness, Jr., '21 R. W. Harwood '20 were the tow University ex-service men to score in the first day of the American Legion Athletic Carnival here on Braves Field yesterday. Krogness won third place in the running broad jump with a jump of 21 feet 1 1-2 inches, while Harwood earned second place in the pole-vault with a height of 12 feet.

Of the 56 men entered in the threemile steeplechase today, 34 are University ex-service men. The list of these entries follows: T. G. Ames '20, H. Barry, Jr., 21 F. G. Bemis '22, C. S. Bond '20, B. Bowden '22, B. W. Boyden '21, H. D. Costigan '20, H. G. Crosby '22, C. E. Dexter, Jr., '22, E. J. Doherty '21, A. B. Douglas '21, W. F. Eaton '22, S. C. Fisher '22, W. H. Goodwin, '20, F.W. Hall '20 R. P. Hoagland '22, P. Hapgood '21, P. E. Jones '22, W. H. Lewis '22, B. Lewis '20, J. A. McCarthy '22, E. V. Otis '22, H. Perrin '21, C. E. Reycroft '21, E. A. Weld '21, J. E. Nally '21, D. F. O'Connell '21, C. A. Page '21, D. H. Worrall '20, J. F. Wason '20, P. B. Elliot Occ., J. G. Winchester '23, W. C. Bennett '23, M. A. Hay '23, J. B. Paine '23. The steeplechase race is so arranged that there will be five jumps every lap. There will be three 11-2-foot hurdles, one five-foot water jump and one three-foot breast jump.

Entries in Other Events.

Other entries in today's events include E. O. Gourdin '20 in the 220-yard dash and the running hop, step and jump; E. J. Doherty '21, in the one-mile run, and C. J. Doherty '21, in the one-mole run, and C. J. Krogness, Jr., '21, in the discus throw, and the running hop, step annd jump.

For tomorrow, Krogness is entered for the 120-yard high hurdles, the 220-yard low hurdles and the running high jump. Gourdin is entered in the javelin throw.
