

Although there has been a deal of discussion during the past year on the advisability of reorganizing college athletics when the war ended, no plan has been evolved which seems practical enough to warrant any radical change. It was for this reason that the Student Council, in its meeting night before last, advocated a resumption of the pre-war system "with as few changes as possible." With the exception of the fact that certain unessential expenses, such as the southern trip for the baseball team and the prolonged stay at Red Top for the crew, might well be discouraged, it is safe to say that this is what the University wants.

Compulsory exercise, we fear, is almost as impossible and impractical as compulsory chapel--though in the former case the results would certainly be beneficial. Instead, however, we will have, as before, an elective system of sports where a man is offered the same privilege of selection, and the same advantages of participation, as he would find, relatively, in his academic work. He may not row on the first crew any more than he would get all A's--but as fear of missing this latter honor does not deter him from developing his mind, so there seems no reason for him to hesitate to develop his body because it may never bring him an "H". "The fault, dear Brutus," lies not in our athletic system, but in ourselves.
