W. I. Tibbetts '17, Social Service Secretary of Phillips Brooks House in 1916-17, will preside at a conference of about 35 settlement house workers of metropolitan Boston in the Shepard Room of the House tonight at 7.45 o'clock.
The questions to be discussed center on the proposition of making the social service work of University men more effective than it has been in the past. The conclusions reached will have an important bearing on the action to be taken at a meeting of undergraduates planned for next week. The needs of the various boys' clubs and settlement houses will be set forth, and plans will be made to establish some method of systematizing the work. It is possible that a training class in social service methods may be organized for the benefit of members of the University.
Previous to this meeting, W. H. Shiner '18 will lead the first conference of a discussion group devoted to social welfare in the Noble Room at 7 o'clock. Mr. Shiner was for some time a Y. M. C. A. service as a secretary at Bumkin Island. The group will follow the methods pursued by last year's groups but will consider more especially welfare problems.
A third meeting in Phillips Brooks House will be that of the Cosmopolitan Club in the Shepard Room tomorrow evening at 7.45 o'clock. Not only members of the club, but all foreign students in the University are invited to attend. Invitations have already been sent to over 100 in the various departments of the University.
Francisco Vela 2M. of Mexico, president of the club, will read his report as delegate to the convention of Cosmopolitan Clubs held at Chicago during the Christmas recess. With this report as a basis, activities for the rest of the year are to be planned. Among other things, the possibility of purchasing or erecting a clubhouse is to be discussed. The usual social hour will conclude the meeting.
The present officers of the Cosmopolitan Club are F. Vela 2M., president; J. V. Manach '21, vice-president; E. B. Schwultz '19, secretary; and F. Muramoto, Business School, treasurer
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