
Bacon Again Heads Lampy

At a meeting last night, the Lampoon Board of Editors elected the following officers for this year: president, Edward Alsted Bacon '20, of Milwaukee, Wis.; vice-president, Edgar Scott '20, of Lansdowne, Pa.; Ibis, Horace Howard Furness Jayne '20, of Wallingford, Pa.; secretary, Edward Cabot Storrow '21, of Readville. The office of vice-president was especially created for Scott in view of his work under the war conditions existing earlier in the year.

Competitions for the drawing, writing and business ends of the Lampoon will start tomorrow. Candidates should be at the Lampoon Building at 7 o'clock. The Sophomore competition will end on June 1, while the Freshmen will continue until the first Monday of next November.


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