

Majority of Last Year's Crew Back Promises a Good Year.--Practice Begins Wednesday.

Candidates for the University and Freshman crews will begin practice next week. On Monday Coach Haines will be at Newell Boat Club to meet new men and direct the work on the machines. A formal meeting of all Freshman candidates will be held probably Wednesday, when Coach Haines and some graduate oarsman will outline plans for the season. As soon as possible thereafter regular practice for the University will commence.

Prospects for a strong University crew are bright as five of last year's eight which triumphed over Yale and Princeton will be available for seats in this year's boat. It is probable that M. Taylor '18, a member of the first University crew during the Sping of 1917 will return to College. Captain R. S. Emmet '19 who stroked last year's eight is now in New York and will return to the University within a week. F. B. Whitman '19, No. 7, C. F. Batchelder, Jr., '20, No. 4, J. F. Linder, Jr., '19, No. 3, and J. S. Coleman '19, No. 2, all members of last year's crew are back in College. C. Canfield '19, who stroked the first boat last spring until he was called away to enter the Fourth Officer's Training Camp, registered yesterday and will be available for the spring eight. Of the three remaining members of last year's first crew, D. L. Withington, Jr., '20, died of pneumonia last fall before leaving for an Officers' Training Camp, F. Parkman '19 is a lieutenant in the United States Marines, and R. H. Bowen '20 is in the Naval Officers' Material School.

Practice Commences Early.

It has not been customary to begin formal crew practice until February but owing to the fact that no fall practice was possible Coach Haines has considered it advisable to commence work as soon as possible. By the end of next week it is expected that temporary crews will be organized. As has been customary the Freshman crews will be organized first. Work on the machines will begin at once and the tanks will be available as soon as the men are ready to use them. Newell Boat Club will be used exclusively as Weld is now being used by the Navy.

Little is known about the prospects for this year's Freshman crew, but a few promising candidates have been rowing on the Charles during the fall. These men were all under the supervision of Coach Haines who has given his time to crew work since the beginning of the College year.


Nothing definite has been decided in regard to the character of this year's crew season but that it will be carried as previous to the war and that the University will compete formally with other eights besides those from Yale and Princeton. Both A. F. Tribble '19, manager of last year's informal University eight, and A. Houghton '21 of the Freshman crew are in College. Candidates for this year's Freshman manager will be called sometime soon.
