

Hadley Outlines Policy of Separate Schools for Different Branches of Students.

With the approval of the Yale Corporation, President Hadley, recently laid down the general features of Yale's reconstruction policy. President Hadley plans to establish separate schools for the specialization of students in different branches of professional work, but to form a mediation between the two classes of students in the university--"the semi-professional students working under the group system and the non-professional students working under the elective system."

The three main difficulties to be met are to make arrangements so that a student enrolled in one group may easily change to another group if there is need of it, to provide a similar freedom of interchange of professors so that they should not be too much tied to one group of undergraduates, and to adjust the Freshman studies so that the professors are interested in teaching and know how to teach, while the senior instructors are interested in professional preparation and know what is needed to prepare a man for his profession.
