A recent vice-president of the Union through a communication in yesterday's CRIMSON has told of the melancholy struggle which that institution has had for several years. To restore this all-University Club to the position which it once did, and should again, hold, he advocates "the formation of a committee of five or six of the most representative undergraduates plus one or two Faculty members, delegated with authority to work out the future policy of the Union and with power to control the operation thereof." A systematic study of conditions in other universities together with a campaign to popularize the Union among the student body is also suggested.
The present situation is intolerable. We, the student body, have a large and costly building splendidly equipped for a variety of uses, suitably located for all, and of what value is it in our daily college life? Compulsory membership, as the writer pointed out would solve the financial troubles, but would not give the popularity which is essential if the Union is to live. By some means we must once again make the Union a vital factor in University life.
"A committee of five or six of the most representative undergraduates plus one or two Faculty members" with large powers would be of great utility in the reconstruction of the shattered Union. The Student Council might well at its next meeting request the Faculty to appoint members from its body to from a Union Committee with "representative undergraduates" selected by the Council either from the University at large or from its own members. Such a committee would have the support of Faculty and students alike and undoubtedly could give material aid in the restoration of the Union.
The military has taught us that the defensive rarely wins the campaign. Let us take the offensive at once and solve the Union problem.
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