

Deplorable indifference seems to be the attitude most common toward class elections this year. The uncertain number of Seniors back in the University makes an exact comparison of voting and non-voting percentages impossible, but in the balloting of last week the non-participating members of the Class were far too numerous. Following in the footsteps of the Senior election, the Junior and Sophomore classes, especially the former, have paid small attention to the nomination of candidates by petition. From these criteria, the three elections today are apt to be very unsatisfactory to both the nominees and to the classes as a whole unless the eligible voters throw off their lethargic attitude.

It is not only the privilege but the absolute duty of each class member to cast his ballot. The non-voter in the outside world is being recognized more each day as an undesirable citizen and a liability to the community in which he lives. The status of the non-voter in the college is essentially the same. His lack of loyalty is a direct injury to the welfare of his class and also to himself. In the former case, a selfish apathy inhibits the mental effort necessary to the casting of an intelligent vote for the nominees of his class; in the latter he is forming a habit which will eventually depreciate him in the eyes of all good citizens when, perforce, he becomes a member of the body politic.

The upper classes today elect their officers. In consideration of the still depleted numbers in College it is essential, in order that the vote be as nearly representative as possible, for all men to go to the polls. In fairness to your class, and to yourself come out today and vote.
