

Roosevelt Memorial Day.

On Feb. 9, the people of the United States purpose in city, state and nation to honor the memory of Theodore Roosevelt. Congress will meet in joint session that day and by unanimous vote of both houses the eulogy on their behalf will be delivered by Henry Cabot Lodge. His selection for that solemn service has an appropriateness that the country was no less quick than the Congress to attest. The Governor of New York, Colonel Roosevelt's life long State, has set the example which other governors are following in rapid succession, the Governor of Rhode Island being the first of the New England governors to set the day apart, by formal proclamation for services commemorative of the life and work of the great American. A committee of citizens headed by Mr. Taft, Secretary Lane and Cardinal Gibbons has called upon the governors to join in making the day a truly national memorial, and today came a wireless message of approval from President Wilson.

In due time Massachusetts will, under the leadership of the governor, make such arrangements as will insure here the same general commemoration that will mark the day in other States. --Boston Transcript.
