New Haven, Conn., Jan. 19 --; At a meeting, in New Haven, of about 2,000 Yale students this evening. President Lowell spoke on "A League of Free Nations as an International Safeguard Against War." President Hadley presided at the meeting which was held in Woolsey Hall. Professor Stephen Pierce Duggan, College of the City of New York represented the League of Free Nations Association.
After being introduced by President Hadley, President Lowell stated his main point, "The good of humanity is above the love of country."
"That internationalism will destroy patriotism is no argument," he continued, "for the growth of Prussia which ended in patriotism was against the principles of humanity. As every political truth has its limitations, so has patriotism.
"The personal honor of an individual should not be sacrificed to his country on any grounds. But internationalism and love of country are not opposing. The former surrounds the latter. The respect of the welfare of nations is as much our duty as is love for our own country. The United States has duties to others as well as to itself.
"Europe east of Germany is full of small nationalities which would be an easy prey to a reconstructed Germany if no league is formed. Now is the ideal time to form a league when the Allies are united. Splendid isolation must not mislead us, every man must think for himself and decide the most important question which the American people have to answer."
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