In an interview with a CRIMSON reporter yesterday Dean Briggs made the following statement in regard to the future of athletics in the colleges: "I am not opposed to intercollegiate athletics; I have yet to find a reason for abolishing them; but the system needs many changes. I am in sympathy with the resolutions passed by the National Collegiate Athletic Association in the Christmas recess, recommending that University authorities take more direct responsibility for athletics; that physical training and athletic sport be regarded as an important part of education, supervised, as other parts of education are supervised, by a department of instruction. In these matters, I believe, some Western colleges are nearer right than we.
"The resolutions recommend an assured and dignified position for the instructor in physical training and athletics as opposed to the position of the 'seasonal coach' hired to produce a winning team. The office of athletic director is, in the opinion of the Association, an educational office, of immense influence, for which no man is too good."
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